Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Obvious Life Lesson

So, now that I am a "real" runner, in the sense that I'm REALLY running REALLY far and I REALLY don't like doing that, my diet has inevitably changed. I would say, I'm a pretty healthy anyways. My biggest problem with food is I, in general, just eat too much. Love food. But now that what I eats makes a tremendous impact on how I run, I really have to be vigilant on what, and how much, I stuff down my throat and into my gullet. So, then number one thing learned? Alcohol is not your friend. Okay, I am not a big drinker BUT there may be a few select times when I go out and consume, let's say, more than the official doctor recommended amount. For the past few months I really haven't had much more than a few glasses of red wine every now and then UNTIL my friend tricked me (she did not trick me) into going out to a bar and I had........some strong stuff........and........well again, it was not the Daily Recommended Dosage. What happened in the next 24 hours following the consumption of A LOT of sugar infused vodka drinks were the following. And inevitably...
Why did I think I could possibly run anywhere, other than the nearest church to PRAY for myself, let alone run 16 miles? Sad white girl problems.... Anyways... did you know that thanks to the generous donations of family and friends, my donations to the International Multiple Sclerosis Federation is now at 82% of the goal? 82%! That's AHMAYZING!. Thank you to everyone who donated and to anyone still interested, you can go HERE to do so.

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