Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's the effort that counts, right?

So, normally it is a bit of an effort to get myself to run. However, this week is particularly challenging for some reason. On Tuesday I was the slowest person on the planet. Ever. My running experience went something like this: (note: images may not be 100% accurate)

"I am running!"

"Like the wind!"


"Dutch Power: GO!"

"Is she wearing a sports bra? ANY bra?!"



"All by myself....."

And then today, it looks like this outside:

So....I'm inside telling myself I'm avoiding catching a monster cold rather than just putting on my big girl running shoes and going outside. And did you notice how this post has NOTHING to do with autoimmune diseases? Yes, I am becoming a lazy narcissist.  Hopefully next week shall be more productive.

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