Sunday, January 22, 2012

What can YOU do in the fight against MS?

So today's post is not going to be nearly as entertaining as last weeks. I just finished running 15 miles, as part of my super-duper awesome marathon training schedule, and my creative juices are at a low ebb. HOWEVER, I am very excited to announce that I have finally set-up my donations page so now you too can join me in my efforts to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. GO HERE RIGHT NOW AND DONATE:

Why should you donate?
I have several people in my life who have various auto-immune diseases but there are a few special people very close to my heart who are struggling with MS (you know who you are you wonderful people you). In their honor, I am dedicating my fundraising to MS and have established a donations page at All proceeds will go to the Multiple Sclerosis International Fund (look them up here:

My goal is to raise the equivalent of $1000 American dollars (which is just under £700 or around €780). The site is based in the UK so the money donation part is in British Pounds, but I trust you all have access to a calculator and can convert the difference.

Anyways..... we have until March 18, 2012 to reach my goal of donating $1000. I mean, you can donate any time you want to whoever you want, but I would be much obliged if you would help me reach my goal. Think of all the entertaining cartoons I provide you, the hilarious personal commentary, the self-deprecating stories. Like Loreal says, I'M WORTH IT, or rather, MS research is definitely worth your time, money and attention.

Where do you go to donate?
So, please go to my fundraising page: Donate right now! And I promise I will continue my parade of informative nonsense on this blog and in life, all in the goal of helping find a cure for MS and all autoimmune diseases.

Okay, just to encourage you to donate, I will post my most "please-donate-because-you-love-me" face:

I never said it was a pretty face....but can you really say no to those crazy eyes?

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