Monday, September 17, 2012


I have to say, for the most part, people have been so supportive of my running. I have received so much encouragement and the donations made to my, thus far, two charities has gone beyond my expectations. And while it hasn't been easy, I would that running these marathons has been a very gratifying experience. A special thanks to my mom who continuously brings me new running shoes and running supplements.

However, there have been a few memorable, unique reactions, that I've gotten during my year of running. Let me share them with you now, through the universal language of cats.

1. The Super Excited Un-Solicited Running Buddy

2.  The Horrified Friend

3. The Annoyed Facebook Friend

4. The Amazed "I know nothing about running" Person

 5. The Forlorn Drinking Buddy

6. The Fitness Skeptic  

7. The Empathizer

8. The Wistful Ex-Runner

9. The Judgementalist 

10. The Dramatic Self-Criticizer

11. The Random Horror-Story Teller

12. The Information Seeker

 13. The Dream Crusher

And my reaction to everyone, everywhere, is...

Go to my First Giving Donation page HERE to donate to the Hydrocephalus Association today!

Countdown to Dublin: 43 days!

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