Sunday, November 17, 2013

Common Reactions To Hearing Carla Sing

I am not just a runner and study abroad administrator. Nay, I am also an aspiring opera singer (hold for applause). I may not be the best singer, but, I think it can be safely said that I am one of the most prolific singers as I tend to use almost every opportunity to get in a little music, usually against the wishes of those around me. I wouldn't say I assault you with my constant singing, but, it could be counted as a misdemeanor in some states, I'm sure. It's not that I'm a bad singer. I'm sure anyone you asked would tell you I sing pretty well (hold for applause again). However, the fact that I insist on singing ALL the time can make me insufferable. I have recently been struggling with a bought of laryngitis and thus the usual constant stream of lyrical sound that normally projects from my mouth has ebbed. This has made me incredibly frustrated and, at the same time, relieved most of my friends.

For those of you who have not had the pleasure to hear my melodious voice, below is a chart of common reactions that I regularly encounter in regards to my singing. (Full disclosure: this chart is of course inspired by Alli Broch's blog "Hyperboleandahalf" and her hilarious Pain Scale Blog Post. I reccommend you check it out right away. Why are you still reading my blog? Seriously, go read her stuff. Way better).

Are you still reading? You must be my mom. Thanks Mom!

I regret nothing! Although, I do want to thank my college roommate Michelle for not murdering me in my sleep.

Also...since this blog strives to raise social awareness, I'm sure you've all seen/heard what has happened in the Philippines due to Super Typhoon Haiyan. The Red Cross estimates that 10 million people have been affected, with 600,000 being displaced and a death toll that has now risen to over 3,000, and this is still early on. There are still thousands of people still unaccounted for since the storm. The devastation to this region cannot be overstated. Please consider donating as this disaster has impacted one of the poorest regions in the world. Go to the American Cross to learn more: 

And, as you may have guessed, this marathon's cause is dedicated to those in the Philippines. Since I will be running in Thailand, it seems only appropriate that my run in Southeast Asia honor those nearby in the region that are suffering most.

I will be wearing the T-shirt below during the race. This shirt, designed by Dan Elijah G. Fajardo, is sold on at 100% of net proceeds from the sale of this T-shirt will be donated to Architecture for Humanity to support those affected by the devastating typhoon that hit the Philippines.

So do your part, no matter how small, this holiday season. You can even look fashionable while doing it. Reach out to someone in need and keep those in the Philippines in your prayers.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I'm the worst

I am the worst. It cannot be denied. Did I run a marathon in South Africa like I said I would? Yes. Did I blog about it? NO! Did I blog about anything since January? NOOOOO! set these goals for yourself and then *WHAM* life happens. But isn't that always the way?  Anyways, let me see if, to make up for it, I can share with you some weird short stories that have happened to me over the year and tell you about my upcoming run in Thailand.

This year, the following has happened to me:

1) I adopted a cat but it was too affectionate so I returned her. Can you imagine?! I was the scorn of the animal shelter. But was it my fault that I had no idea that this small cat would cry all day when I was not home, prompting the students I live with to come to the office, their faces stretched with concern, saying, "Hey, is there a cat trapped in the wall? Its crying is interfering with my 11am nap time." Really though, it was the suckling. This cat tried to constantly "milk" me. Apparently, taken from her mother too early, this 7 month kitten took every opportunity to affix her mouth to any possible body part of mine and search for dairy products. NOPE. Carla can't handle that. So....ashamed I went to another cat shelter and adopted a black kitten that has since decided to wake me daily by clawing at my feet. Clearly karma, but it would still rather have scratched toes than kitty hickies all over my body.

2) I graduated grad school. I got my M.A. in international relations. My 2 years of study in Political Science solidified my belief that most people, when given power and opportunity, will ruin it for everyone. Writing about 30 research papers that cover topics from child trafficing to meat slaughtering to immigration reform to international war crimes will turn the most fervent optimist into an Liam Neeson character ala Taken. So, naturally, my next step is to try and apply to grad school for opera singing. Natch. To be fair, I've been singing for a long time and now, after years of private study, I'm going to try and get into the conservatory in Rome. My first attempt was unsuccessful. However, my language exam consisted of a group of elderly music instructors asking me if I knew what a Grillo was (it's a this pertains to musical education I don't know, unless Jimminy Cricket is some lauded Italian musical hero I don't know about).

 3) I ran a marathon in South Africa. I spent 10 days in a animal park, going on safari after safari to see the Big 5. We actually only saw three: Elephant, rhino, and lion. Those leopards and buffalo are not interested in getting their picture taken, thankyouverymuch. While there are a million stories I could tell you, my most memorable story from the run was when I was sitting in a lodge, eating dinner with other runners, the night after the race. There, only a few feet from me, was a South African man, who looked a lot like famed Toronto mayor Robert Ford, and had the following conversation with an Italian runner:

Robert Ford Look Alike: "Have you ever been to Cape Town?"
Italian Runner: "No, this is my first time in South Africa."
Robert Ford Look Alike: "You should really go. Though only some parts are nice. Like where I live."
Italian Runner: "Oh."
RFLA: "I have a really big house. And my wife drives a Mercedes."
Italian Runner: "Ah."
RFLA: "I own most of Cape Town."
Italian Runner: "What?"

Robert Ford Look Alike, who in fact did not run the marathon, claimed he was there to support his wife in the race, citing a sprained ankle for the reason that he decided not run himself. Yes, carrying around such a huge ego can cause bodily harm.

4) While in South Africa, I met Jane Kupkowski and her friend Yuka. Jane is an American who trains US soldiers in Japan. Yuka also works at the training facility. Jane established the Love2Endure Foundation. She and Yuka ran the marathon to raise money and awareness for those affected by the Japanese earthquake last year. Both women are AH.MAY.ZING and you should totally check out the website and see how you can help or

5) I'm going to run a marathon in Thailand in December. This will be my first solo marathon during which no one I know will be there to cheer me on or run with me. I'm excited, and also buying up a lot of travel insurance. I'm also going on a 2 day Elephant Training Camp excursion into the jungles of Ching Mai. My mother's only concern thus far has only been that I not book my flight with Egypt Air. "What if they have another government shut down and you get stuck in Cairo! No!". So I'm flying a UAE airline. UAE which has a functioning government that it uses to put foreign women in jail for extramarital sex and consuming alcohol when she reports to police that she was raped by a co-worker. Super duper.

So there you go. That's a brief, hopefully entertaining look back at what I've been up to and where I'm off to next.

Thailand updates to follow...soon? Yes, soon. Let's go with soon.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


So...when did I last post? NOVEMBER?! Eeeeeeeeeeeee. I am back from my shameful hiatus to update you all.

1) I ran the Dublin Marathon and finished with success in just under 5 hours. A big thank you to my parents who came and supported me and also a big thanks to all those local Dubliners who came out to cheer for the runners. Nothing makes you feel better, when your running along, to hear "YOU'RE BRILLIANT, WELL DONE!" in an Irish brogue.

2) I performed an Opera Christmas concert in December and the attendees generously donated $300 for the Hydrocephalus Association. Thank you to The Willows in Westborough for their hospitality and to all who attended for supporting my run and my niece. We have now raised $940 dollars total! Thank you everyone who has donated.

3) Nicole is still having ups and downs. In November and December she had two more surgeries. Just before Christmas she had a procedure done which doctors had been eager to do for quite some time. Nicole and the physicians were very hopeful that implanting a catheter into the brain would help the lower and upper ventricles communicate and stabilize her brain fluid pressure. And, up to two weeks after the operation, Nicole was headache-free and doing well. But, soon after that she started having headaches again and was taken to the emergency room. She is now home, but the struggle to find a permanent cure to her symptoms and her condition continues. Still, Nicole remains continually positive and grateful for all the love and support. I am amazed by her unrelenting joyful spirit. AH-MAYZED!

4) Donations to the Hydrocephalus Association via the RunCarlaRun FirstGiving Donations page (click HERE ) will remain open for last-minute donations until January 31st. SO GO DONATE RIGHT NOW!!


5) I am getting a cat! This is in no way related to running...or fundraising...or...anything else in this post....BUT I AM GETTING A ROMAN KITTEN! I.... just thought you should all know.


7) I am going to be running another marathon in April (Prauge I think) but this is not definitive. Additionally, there will be no fundraising as it is just too time consuming to do it properly. HOWEVER I will continue to blog, sporadically, and update you on Nicole and my running. And my cat. (I actually have a cat in the States, Salem is her name, but she was just diagnosed with Melanoma and she is sick and I am very sad but my parents are taking care of her so I should probably thank them PUBLICLY for nursing my poor little 16 year old cat. So, THANK YOU PARENTAL UNITS for loving my cat in my absence. Especially you Calvin Wiegers. Especially you).

So....stay tuned for more blogging fun. I'm doing my best to get it done.

P.S. Did anyone else see Les Miserables in theaters this December and HATE IT? I'm looking at you Anne-MY-NAME-IS-SPELLED-WITH-AN-E-THANK-YOU-VERY-MUCH-Hathaway. Also you too Russell Crowe. I'm dreaming a dream that this movie will go quietly into the night and no one will summon the means to create Les Miserables 2: Even More Miserabler.

 PPS: This post contained ONLY 4 cat photos. I think I'm making progress here.